tiistai 31. lokakuuta 2017

Life at the strangest places

Oon viimeaikoina miettinyt menneisyyttä paljon.
Etenkin sitä vappua kaks ja puol vuotta sitten.
Paljoa ei ole muistoja jäljellä,
oli sen verran paljon lääkkeitä veressä.

Mutta mä muistan maanneeni veljen sylissä odottamassa ambulanssia,
sen ensihoitajan äänen,
ja mä muistan sen ensiapupolin keskus-sairaalassa.
Muistan sen lääkehiilen maun ja miltä se tuntu juoda.
Hataria muistikuvia on vaatteiden vaihdosta sairaalavaatteisiin.
Äidin kyyneleistä.
Miten mua kuletettiin johonkin sairaalasängyllä.

Ja sit pimenee.

Seuraava asia mitä muistan on herääminen yöllä lepositeissä.
Käsissä oli jumalattomat mustelmat.
En oo vieläkään varma mitä sinä yönä tapahtu, 
enkä oo koskaan uskaltanu pyytää potilasasiakirjojani nähtäväks.
Ne luultavimmin ei oo kovin kaunista luettavaa.

Mutta kuulemma olin ollut hyvin lähellä onnistua aloittamassani,

Kun mä aamulla heräsin hyvin tokkuraisen ja katkonaisen yön jäljiltä,
-ois muuten kuvitellu ihmisen nukkuvan hyvin kun nielasee lähes sata unilääkettä kerralla,-
niin aamupalan ja EKG:n jälkeen mä sain pukea omat vaatteeni päälle.
Sit mut johdatettiinkin nuorisopsykiatriselle osastolle, jossa mä vietin osan aikaani seuraavasta kuukaudesta.
Kaks viikkoo täysin osastohoidossa,
kaks viikkoo päiväosastolla kolme päivää viikossa.

Osastolla ei ollut läheskään yhtä kauheeta kuin mä olin aina kuvitellut.
Mun ei tarvinnut jakaa huonettani kenenkään kanssa,
tekemistä oli riittävästi ja pääsin päivittäin käymään ulkonakin.
Ruoka oli hyvää, 
silloin kun sitä söin.

Oudointa oli tietysti nähdä avattavissa ikkunoissa rautaset kalterien tapaset hökötykset.
Ja se, että ainoat huonekalut oli pultattu kiinni seiniin.
Omaa puhelimen laturia ei saanut pitää itsellään,
puhelimet ladattiin hoitajien toimistossa.
Saatiin sentään pitää ne.

Mä muistan oppineeni osastolla vihdoinkin pelaamaan pasianssia,
ja jopa tykkäämään hoitajista.
Osa oli todella ihania, 
etenkin sillon kun mä en öisin saanut unta vahvoista unilääkkeistä huolimatta.
Muutama puolestaan ei näkynyt olevan oikealla alalla mielisairaitten nuorten joukossa.

Muut osastolla olleet oli mahtavia tapauksia,
jokainen omalla tavallaan ainutlaatuinen.
Yhden kanssa olen yhä edelleenkin yhteyksissä ja ystäviä.

Mikä mut sit sai tekemään sen?

Mä oon kärsinyt masennuksesta niin kauan kun mä oikeastaan edes pystyn kunnolla muistamaan.
En tainnut olla sen enempää kuin kymmenen, kun mietin jo ensimmäistä kertaa itsemurhaa.
Koulukiusaaminen jättää syvät, todella vaikeasti paranevat haavat.
Yläasteikäsestä lähtien en koskaan pitänyt omaa kehoani millään tavalla kauniina.
Niinpä mä opin ihannoimaan niin laihaa kehoa, että siinä näkyy luut.
Mä luulin olevani onnellinen, jos vaan mun luut alkais näkyä.
Ja niin alkoi mun tarinani syömishäiriöiden seurassa.

Puoltoista kuukautta ennen itsemurhayritystä mä menetin isoisäni.
Vain paria viikkoa ennen yritystä mä erosin ensimmäisesta rakkaudestani.
Mä olin saanut kuulla sen pienestä seikkailusta.
 Mikä oiskaan parempi tapa tuhota tytön viimenenkin itseluottamus, kuin poikaystävä joka pettää, pojan kanssa.

Ja miks just sinä päivänä?

Rehellisin vastaus siihen kysymykseen on, etten mä tiedä, vielä tänäkään päivänä.
Ne lääkkeet oli siinä saatavilla,
lääkäri oli ne mulle pari kuukautta aikasemmin määrännyt.
Ahdistus ja itseinho, masennus olivat vahvempina sinä päivänä kuin minään ennen sitä tai sen jälkeen.

Yhä useiden vuosienkin jälkeen, mun on vaikeaa löytää sanoja, jotka pääsis lähellekään sitä olotilaa, mikä ihmisen pitää kokea ottaakseen lääkkeitä niin paljon, 
että tietää niillä päättävänsä elämänsä.
Sitä kivun, tuskan ja surun määrää ei voi sanoin kuvailla, 
eikä sitä voi edes ajatella ilman litroja kyyneleitä.
Sitä ei unohda koskaan.

On äärimmäisen vaikeeta olla avoin omista kokemuksistaan ja tuntemuksistaan,
mutta etenkin sillon, kun ei osaa enää luottaa.
Mun luottamukseni ihmisiin oli särjetty jo ennen kuin mä täytin kymmenen.
Vei vuosia aikaa luoda edes osa siitä luottamuksesta takasin.
Nyt vuosia myöhemmin, 
vaikka mä en edelleenkään ole täysin mielenterveydellisessä näkökulmassa terve enkä luultavasti tule koskaan olemaankaan,
niin mä olen oppinut hallitsemaan mielialojani,
mä olen oppinut luottamaan läheisiin ihmisiin
ja ennen kaikkea mä olen oppinut olemaan aidosti onnellinen ja iloinen.

Tietysti mulla on yhä paljon huonoja päiviä.
Mulla on paljon pelkoja, joita monet pitäis naurettavina asioina.
Mulla on yhä jopa itsetuhoisia ajatuksia.
Mutta mulla on nykyisin jotain, mitä mulla ei ollut tuolloin vuosia sitten.
Mulla on myös niitä aidosti onnellisia päiviä, jolloin mä tunnen itteni rakastetuksi.
Ja niitä on tarpeeks paljon kumoamaan ne huonot päivät ja saamaan mua pitämään elämää arvokkaana asiana.

Mulla on tällä hetkellä ympärilläni maailman ihanimpia ihmisiä. 
Mun poikaystäväni, vanhat ja uudet ystävät, oma perhe.
Kaikesta ei onneks tarvitse selvitä yksin.

keskiviikko 27. heinäkuuta 2016

You'll never know where life might lead us

Gotta say everything didn't go as planned with my university studies.
I did not become a law student, probably because I was too lazy to read enough, after all.
So, I also did entrance exams to University of Jyväskylä to study German language and culture and teaching.

The weirdest part here?
I didn't study for that test. 
I read the material that was on the test during that morning, and had my test at 1pm.
Somehow I managed to get in and also fake in the interviews that I was motivated and capable of being a teacher.
And looks like I got in.

I don't know if it's my old dreams of studying in Germany haunting me or what, but this bachelor and master's program includes obligatory exchange in Germany. 
So looks like some dreams come true after all.

This last month I've been looking for myself an apartment, which I finally got from Jyväskylä's university student village, buying things I'll need while living there, going trough everything I own, applied for student money and student loan and housing benefit, the latest of which I still haven't got decision from Finnish Social Insurance institution.

But now everything looks like they are alright and I feel like I've got it all under control.
I'm alarmingly starting to feel like a real adult.
Never thought this day would come.
I'm moving out on 1.8.

School starts on 1.9 and I got to admit, I have no idea what on earth I've even got myself into.
I mean I really don't know what studying languages in university will be like and how much I'll have work to do to keep up with everyone else.
I suck at German, even tho I've studied it 5 years already. 
I'm going to be so dead before this year is over and I'm sure I'm going to regret accepting this place in this university.
But to be honest, I also think that I'm gonna love the next 5 years ahead of me, regardless of all the work and pain it's going to put me through.

torstai 16. kesäkuuta 2016

Trying to cope with life

Last months has been crazy. 
During these last three months I had time to fall in love with a person who needed me only for few seconds and therefore broke my heart into millions of pieces. 
I found a job that seemed perfect but was everything but perfect and I resigned. 
I studied hard for entrance exams and I gave up. (Tho did the exams but feel like I failed miserably) 
I graduated in time, literally against all odds considering that I spent quite a lot of time just crying and stressing and not actually doing anything. 

Now I have nothing to do and I started to write again. 
Let's see if it ever becomes anything but maybe it will fill my days with something to do so I don't need to be drinking to get at least few moments of fun into my life.
Or I'll have a problem with alcohol before this summer is over.
And I definitely don't want that.
I don't want more hangovers.
And I definitely don't need moral hangovers which come with the physical shitty feeling.

Now I no longer wonder why people say that summer after graduation is extremely hard.
At first it was relief having no school things to do during the holiday.
But now I would give my everything just to have the security of those routines. 
Security of knowing what to do at fall.
Right now I have nothing and it scares the hell out of me.
All I have is insomniac nights and days spent in a haze because I'm too tired to function.
I'm too tired to try anything.
And there's no point trying to find a new job because I don't know where I'll be at the autumn.

I have nothing left but hope and even hope has started to fade.
But it's only 14 days of complete uncertainty.
Then I can at least make new plans if I didn't get the place in university.

tiistai 15. maaliskuuta 2016


A month or two ago I was at the top of the world.
I had met this amazing guy and we had had couple awesome nights out with friend or just with the two of us. 
Time meant nothing to us and with him I felt like time didn't exist.
We didn't even talk about dating, neither of us wanted it. We wanted just to have fun.
What I'm about to tell has nothing to do with this guy. 
I just wanted to remind that there was a time I was happy and it wasn't long time ago.
Just  under a month ago I was on senior cruise and that time or that whole week belongs into top 10 times.

But something happened.
And I don't know what. 
John Green has kinda put that into words, I guess.

Maybe all the strings inside him broke

So, what am I talking about?

My depression came back.
I'm not sure if it ever even left
And it's incredibly hard to write those four words.
I still don't want to admit it.
I just want to be normal again.
But I don't even know what being normal is

I know I should go back to therapy.
But I have never found a therapist that I like, so it would be pointless.

And maybe all this shit is caused by the stress I'm having.
I don't have school, only books to study.
For matriculation exams and entrance exams.
So I don't really know what to do.

I don't want to be left alone but I don't want to be in company either

Being alone means that the demons will come to haunt me.
Being in company means I need to keep my shit together.
And I don't think I like either of the options.

Or maybe I'm afraid that I'll become a burden

This blog was never supposed to be a story of my depression.
But suddenly I feel like I need to share my thoughts a little.
Maybe people will remember that I'm not perfect.
And that I'm not being rude when I cancel plans or suddenly just show up.
I'm just consumed by my anxieties.
And it has nothing to do with other people.
This problem lies in me

tiistai 7. heinäkuuta 2015

Studying and going crazy

I'm trying to finish my courses that I couldn't finish during the last term. And specially calculus is real pain in the ass at the moment. So I bet everyone understands why I haven't been updating for a long while.

If you want to help me out a little bit, and you are still studying something, please go and fill this form. It's a small form for my English course, so not anything super scientific study. It's about studying motivation and future, and I'm going to watch all answers on next week. Hopefully I have by then enough answers so I can complete my English course.

To all of those enjoying summer holiday, hopefully you don't need to do school work as well! Enjoy all of the rare sunny days, it's gonna be cold winter soon again. "Winter is coming."

tiistai 12. toukokuuta 2015


So, I'm not at school for a moment. Won't be going back until autumn. 
The reason?

Suicide attempt.

Whoever who knows me in real life, you can come to speak to me but do not tell to anyone. Because even if i write it into my blog it's still private thing and i don't want everybody to know and judge me and pity me because of it. 

I was hospitalized on may 1st. The next night and morning i spent in hospital, put into all kind of monitors and putting charcoal into my body. 
And then i was discharged into youth psych ward for 7 days.

Now today, on 12th May they discharged me completely from psych ward from inpatient care, but I'm expected to go see psychologist, after finding someone i like. 
I'm not going into public mental health anymore.
It didn't help me before attempt and i'm sure as hell it won't help me after. So I'll use my insurance and find some good one.

My room at ward. Pretty plain because
we weren't allowed to have lots of stuff
laying around our room

I was a ball of broken mess before attempting suicide. I've been suicidal for years. 
I cut. I purge. I keep myself to awake. I watch scary and disgusting things just to feel something. I have very bad ways to cope with this world.
So, before i attempted i was off from school over a week, just going in for a one day. But being at school was horrible, i couldn't take it.
And when Friday, 1st of May came, I was horrified go back to school. And I binged and purged over five times during that day.
I cut deeper than I ever had before. Got stitches, by the way. Never been that bad before.
And I also saw my relatives that day. They reminded me about my grandpa's death.

I have been depressed for years. Probably over 10 years. But I know it started because of being bullied very badly. 
And in this spring I got medication for that but it apparently didn't help. Or it didn't have time to help.
Things just came too much to handle. 
I couldn't take it anymore.

I'm kinda disappointed I failed my attempt and that people keep me on eye so I can't do it any time soon again.
I'm just too tired.
view out of my window
And numb.
Life seems so meaningless it scares me.
But right now I don't any other options than get by.
But one thing I'm sure of. 
Life sucks. A lot.
Anyone who says otherwise are lying to themselves. 

And yes, I know life wasn't meant to be easy but to some people life is just way too much.
I'm not telling this, writing this here because I want some attention or am that desperate. 
I just wish that people who has went through same could maybe realize they aren't only ones.
Meeting those people on psych ward was great thing. It reminded me that I'm definitely not alone, even when it feels like it. 
And it's just hard to speak about it with someone who haven't gone through something similar. It feels like they don't understand.
Maybe they want to understand but without going through something like that, it's almost mission impossible.

sunnuntai 4. tammikuuta 2015

Part of my story: Conservative Laestadianism

Many who are reading this and understands only English parts of my blog probably won't know what conservative Laestadianism really is. I would define it as a sect of Lutheran church.
To say the basics, they believe that god forgives you as long as you believe in him. To be really really simple.

To make it more complicate, they do not allow rhythmic music, movies, television, revealing clothing, birth control in its any forms, premarital sex (no even kissing or living together before marriage). Those are the rules that defines many people lives. It's big sect in Finland compared to how little people lives in here. And these people can be found from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Russia, United Kingdom, United states, Germany, Canada... List goes on and on. There is one big congregation every year, called "suviseurat" or summer service. It is in midsummer, in the end of June or in the beginning of July.

The thing they are now been known, are pedophilia cases. It's not the point in the religion, it's a sin. But the way they have treated their victims is the thing that has roused the conversation. They ask forgiveness from their victims. And because of their beliefs, if someone asks forgiveness, you need to forgive, no matter what. And after forgiving, you are not allowed to speak it to anyone. That is what has happened.

Other thing they are known of, is turning their backs to people who leave their believes or have guts to criticize the community from inside. No greeting, nor any other kind of interacting with them. I know many cases where child has been forced to leave their home, while still being a minor.

To say, I'm lucky that it wasn't how my parents see things. Because you might have noticed, I know a lot, but I still speak about "them". I am one of those who left the community. I years ago said, that because of leaving, there has happened nothing to me. Well, know I know that it, after all, was a lie. And big, fat one.

Many people, whom I thought as my friends, no longer greet me if we meet on the street. They in all quietness have deleted me from their Facebook friends and even if they are around someone who knows me as well and others come and talk to me, they won't. It does hurt and indeed, it hurts very deep. But when it comes to relatives, my all four grandparents have taken it well. And all of my relatives from my father's side. But not from mother's. Those cousins I used to play with when I was little, those cousins we had so many conversations while growing up, while being pre-teens. No longer they want to talk with me. They look me like I'm worthless. Like there's something wrong with me. And I can tell you, that it annoys me, but it also hurts me.

I left Laestadianism when I were 12. I were bullied because of it, but it wasn't the only reason why I left it. I have been bullied from so many things that I wouldn't be even alive if I would make everything so they couldn't no longer bully me. But back to the story. First I started to watch movies with my sisters and my brother. Then I started to listen the forbidden music. And by time, I started to question that if the way they believe is truly the right thing. And you can guess what happened after finding out of pedophilia cases. Even the last drop of that childish belief were gone. After that I have been wondering, what is it that I believe in.

After many many sleepless nights later, I finally realized, that there indeed is a god, but it doesn't matter how I live. We all are sinners in front of our God. All you need to do, is to believe. I found my way to main church of this country, Lutheran church. It pretty much presents what I believe in.

I didn't mean this post to be something like "you need to believe the way I do to get into heaven." It's not the truth. You need to believe in what you believe. Our beliefs (or lack of them) are part of who we are. We are not supposed to tell other people how to live or that their god or gods are wrong. I don't care if you believe in viking gods, if you are catholic, if you are Muslim, if you present Buddhism. All I care about is, if there are any good parts inside of you. If you are happy, if you can stick in what you believe is right and what is wrong. If you can't be proud of your religion, you belong in wrong one. If you don't feel happy about it. If you always question if this really is the way is supposed to be.

The teaching of this? There aren't always infinite truth or lie. Everything lies between and nowhere. The way we are supposed to live, is in our hearts. Only by searching we can finally find what and who we are.